About Us
Bringing high quality classical music to Buckingham for over 35 years.

The Buckingham Summer Festival was founded in 1989 by the late Professor Alan Brook MBE and Artistic Director Robert Secret ARAM.
Robert studied the violin with Clarence Myerscough at the Royal Academy of Music before switching to the viola studying with Winifred Copperwheat.
Further studies with Max Rostal, Cecil Aronowitz and Manoug Parikian followed. As a member of the Maurizi String Quartet Robert took part in classes with the Amadeus Quartet and Lorand Fenyves. Whilst a student at the Academy Robert studied on the conducting course and won all the major conducting prizes and the Principal’s Prize.
Over the years Buckingham Summer Festival has brought high quality musical performers to the town and become an eagerly anticipated part of the town's summer activities and an important cultural event within the Aylesbury Vale area.
Patrons & Trustees
The Rt Hon Lord Luce KG GCVD
Howard & Jane Mordue
Peter & Léonie Thorogood
Robert & Carolyn Cumming
Patricia & Simon Bennett
Edward & Pauline Cox
Miles & Margaret Hedges
George Higgins
Martin & Di Ricketts
Ray & Heather Allcock
Peter & Cherry Baker
Claire Butler & John O’Dwyer
Anne Champion
Marilyn Crawford
Robert & Carolyn Cumming
Richard & Kim Dunkley
Trevor Goosey
Hélène Hill
John & Christine Hockley
Honor Hollis
Jeremy & Sally Howarth
Judith Jeffcoate
Hilary Jones
Mike & Christine Kirby
Helen & Richard Lee
Mike Lindsay
Lesley MacCarthy
Kay Meadows
Mary Melluish
Belinda Morley-Fletcher
Peter Musk
Brian Pankhurst & Brenda Stroud
David & Louise Pendrill
Bill & Kathy Robins
Nick Robinson & Marion Van Hoecke
David & Mary Saunders
Lord & Lady Scott
Valerie Shaw
Tom Stedman
Jane Steel
Stan & Margaret Surzyn
Geoffrey Allan Taylor & Valerie Kirby-Ashmore
Susie Thompson
Paul & Deborah Trayhurn
Bill & Sandra Truscott
John Walton
And others who wish to remain anonymous.